Back in the far distant ancient past of January 2020, the Holding Steadfast production team crammed a bunch of people into a small room, and had them breath all over each other for 5 days. Back then, we called it principle recording for our debut audio production The Web of Truth, but these days it would be a humanitarian crime.
Thankfully, post-production is quite suited to the isolation lifestyle, so we’ve been pushing ahead, and are still well within our original timeline. It’s still too early to give a release date, but I can safely say that it’s COMING SOON…
The production team would like to give a shout out to the talented team of voice actors who worked incredibly hard over the very busy and tightly-scheduled 5 days, and they all did it for nothing more than the love of fat stacks of hard cash. (And beer.) Cheers guys.
More updates to follow.