Author: Matt Caton


REVIEW: Tangentially Speaking, Episode 172 – Kelly Carlin

Christopher Ryan has an interesting chat with Kelly Carlin about her life, her book and what it’s like growing up in the shadow of her iconic father.

Christopher Ryan is a man who has lived – and continues to live – a pretty unique life. This author / psychologist /  likely polygamist / roaming vagabond / award winning ‘non-sex’ porn actor, first came to public attention with his book Sex At Dawn: How we mate, why we stray, and what it means for modern relationships which he co-authored with his wife, Cacilda Jethá. (Which is a great read, btw.) After quickly becoming a regular guest on the podcast circuit, Chris started up his own podcast, which can be best described as quirky chats with quirky people.

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Top 5 Picks for the Melbourne International Comedy Festival

As various make-shift stages and venues pop up across Melbourne and the funny people start rolling in for the 3oth Annual Melbourne International Comedy Festival, we look at some of the shows you should check out over the next month.

A few people have asked me for some show recommendations for the 2016 Melbourne International Comedy festival, so I thought this would be the platform to give them. Granted, nobody asked me to write an article about it, and they were probably only asking me to be polite in the first place, but I’m still giving them.

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REVIEW: Hardcore History – King of Kings II

The king of podcasting Dan Carlin returns with the second installment of his Persian Empire epic, the King of Kings.

Today, like a 90’s teenager eagerly ripping the plastic cover off his favourite band’s new CD that he just bought, I got to digitally unwrap brand new stuff from Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History series. I may have said this before but it merits repeating; it was worth the wait.

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Profile: Bill Burr

Bill Burr is a classic example of what can happen when you work hard and stick to your guns.

I’ve been a fan of Bill Burr for quite some time, and he was partly responsible for getting me so obsessed with comedy and then as a part of that, Podcasts. His Monday Morning Podcast was the first podcast I became a regular listener of, he himself is probably the first comedian I became a genuine fan of.

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