The Little Dum Dum Club #310
So, word filtered my way late last week that the boys from my favourite American history podcast The Dollop had been guests on another of my favourite podcasts The Little Dum Dum Club.
So, word filtered my way late last week that the boys from my favourite American history podcast The Dollop had been guests on another of my favourite podcasts The Little Dum Dum Club.
I have a confession to make. I broke up with The Dollop a while back. It wasn’t them, it was me. I just wasn’t in a space where I could commit to it. My daily commute had shrunk by 66%, and I was at saturation point. Something had to give, and the weekly episodes of The Dollop were coming out relentlessly – I got to the point where I was deleting podcasts just to make space on my iPod.