REVIEW: Project U The Podcast – episode 15
In what was bound to make me feel every minute of my age, I embarked on episode 15 of the Project U podcast. While Project U might describe their Podcast as ‘Australia’s no bullshit music podcast’, all I heard is the Podcast equivalent of 3 kids tweeting about their favourite music. Basically, three people like fully talking about songs they like, like.
Why would I like, find that like interesting? Like.
The main premise consists of the well worn ‘2 guys picking on the only girl’ radio format, where they play short grabs of songs, then talk over them in what I assume is a thinly veiled way of avoiding paying for the rights to any songs. I learn that this week’s selections are heavily skewed towards EDM, which I thought stood for an Electronic Direct Mail. To be honest, 3 people reading out snippets of random junk emails they receive would have been more entertaining.
Episode 15 also sees the debut of a new game, ‘who tweeted it’ where Guy Host #2 reads tweets and his co-hosts need to decipher if the author of this Twitterpiece was Zara Larsson or Troye Sivan. Riveting stuff.
The full extent of just how out of touch I am with what constitutes good music (or this Podcast is) came at the 30 minute mark when they announce that this episode was recorded on the same day that musical genius Prince sadly passed away. Seems this news almost slipped the minds of the hosts of a MUSIC podcast. Thankfully they recovered well to cover this tragic news with insight and sensitivity.
Girl: “I was always a really big fan of Prince. BUT when I saw it I quickly opened my Facebook and I scrolled and I saw that someone had passed and I was like oh God, and for some reason I was convinced it was Maggie Smith from like Downton Abbey and Harry Potter.”
Guy: “I’m not prepared for that to happen”
Girl: “No neither am I, but then I was like oh shit, oh Prince, and I was like that’s actually really sad, but also I’m really glad that Maggie Smith is still alive.”
And I’m really glad that there are (like) thousands of other podcasts I can listen to.

I just can’t imagine how you came to listen to this? How did you find it?
moment of weakness, or insanity
Actually, this reminds me of an episode of Maron (the TV show). He tries to impress his niece by doing a video with a young ‘YouTube star,’ but when he gets there, the kid is talking in some bizarre internet language, and Marc starts waving his old-man fist and yelling ‘get off my lawn!’ Video is here, if you can watch it:–marcs-niece/shad-bump
Hahaha. Yep, that is exactly what happened when I listened to this.